
Milo Ice Cream

In Dessert, The Unlikely Cook on June 26, 2010 at 8:01 am
Combine 1 cup whipping cream, half a cup of milk, five tablespoons of granulated sugar, half a cup of Milo, and a handful of nuts and chocolate chips (optional) in a smaller bowl inside a bigger bowl filled with ice.
Whisk the ingredients together till you get a thick consistency. (I used my hand-held mixer to mix everything together, but you can use a whisk if you’ve got the stamina for it.)
Pop the mix in a large resealable bag and leave for an hour or two in the freezer. (Since my fridge was full, I dipped my resealable bag in a bowl of ice and left it there. Of course, this took longer for the ice cream to form.)
Run the ice cream through the mixer one last time before placing it in a bowl.
Add additional toppings, or eat it as it is.

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