
Posts Tagged ‘leftovers’

Leftover Chicken and Mushroom Pasta

In Gluten-free, Pasta on June 20, 2015 at 10:01 am

Right, I attempted to follow Jamie Oliver’s recipe for broth. I say attempted because I didn’t have parsley so I skipped it, I only used two big chicken thighs, and I forgot about the carrots. Turned out well, though. It yielded 2.5 cups of broth that kept in the fridge for a week (I used it constantly for cooking, and what was strained from the broth was Monday’s dinner). 

About the pasta, cook it according to the instructions in the pack, but keep a cup of the pasta water. Set it aside.

To make the sauce, spray a deep, heavy-bottomed pan with safflower or sunflower oil to keep the garlic (about 4 tablespoons, minced) from sticking. I used an old Dutch oven. Once the garlic turns light brown, chuck in about 2 cups of sliced mushrooms (I used 6 medium-sized portobello mushrooms, including the bottom, which was finely chopped). 

Add a knob of butter (mine was dairy-free, but if you are allowed, use the regular one, unsalted). Mix and create a fond at the bottom of the pan (brown sticky goodness), which you will then glaze with the broth. 

Add salt, pepper and 2 tablespoons of garlic powder. Blend well over low heat till the sauce thickens. Add the cup of pasta water and mix some more. Keep blending with a spatula till you get the desired consistency. Top on pasta and shred some leftover chicken over it.  Enjoy!